Tracks Of A Rolling Stone By Henry J. Coke

 -   This was about six months after the Balaklava 
charge.  Horsman asked him one evening to give a description 
of it - Page 327
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This Was About Six Months After The Balaklava Charge.

Horsman asked him one evening to give a description of it, with a plan of the battle.

His Lordship did so; no words could be more suited to the deed. If this was 'pell- mell, havock, and confusion,' the account of it was proportionately confounded. The noble leader scrawled and inked and blotted all the phases of the battle upon the same scrap of paper, till the batteries were at the starting-point of the charge, the Light Brigade on the far side of the guns, and all the points of the compass, attack and defence, had changed their original places; in fact, the gallant Earl brandished his pen as valiantly as he had his sword. When quite bewildered, like everybody else, I ventured mildly to ask, 'But where were you, Lord Cardigan, and where were our men when it came to this?'

'Where? Where? God bless my soul! How should I know where anybody was?' And this, no doubt, described the situation to a nicety.

My office was in the Castle, and the next room to mine was that of the Solicitor-General Keogh, afterwards Judge. We became the greatest of friends. It was one of Horsman's peculiarities to do business circuitously. He was fond of mysteries and of secrets, secrets that were to be kept from everyone, but which were generally known to the office messengers. When Keogh and I met in the morning he would say, with admirable imitation of Horsman's manner, 'Well, it is all settled; the Viceroy has considered the question, and has decided to act upon my advice.

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