A Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers By Henry David Thoreau

 -   But how can I communicate
with the gods who am a pencil-maker on the earth, and not be
insane - Page 146
A Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers By Henry David Thoreau - Page 146 of 422 - First - Home

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But How Can I Communicate With The Gods Who Am A Pencil-Maker On The Earth, And Not Be Insane?

"I am the same to all mankind," says Kreeshna; "there is not one who is worthy of my love or hatred."

This teaching is not practical in the sense in which the New Testament is. It is not always sound sense inpractice. The Brahman never proposes courageously to assault evil, but patiently to starve it out. His active faculties are paralyzed by the idea of cast, of impassable limits, of destiny and the tyranny of time. Kreeshna's argument, it must be allowed, is defective. No sufficient reason is given why Arjoon should fight. Arjoon may be convinced, but the reader is not, for his judgment is _not_ "formed upon the speculative doctrines of the _Sankhya Sastra_." "Seek an asylum in wisdom alone"; but what is wisdom to a Western mind? The duty of which he speaks is an arbitrary one. When was it established? The Brahman's virtue consists in doing, not right, but arbitrary things. What is that which a man "hath to do"? What is "action"? What are the "settled functions"? What is "a man's own religion," which is so much better than another's? What is "a man's own particular calling"? What are the duties which are appointed by one's birth? It is a defence of the institution of casts, of what is called the "natural duty" of the Kshetree, or soldier, "to attach himself to the discipline," "not to flee from the field," and the like.

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