The Cruise Of The Snark, By Jack London

 -   It is true, the engine in the launch wouldn't run, and
the life-boat leaked like a sieve; but then - Page 28
The Cruise Of The Snark, By Jack London - Page 28 of 305 - First - Home

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It Is True, The Engine In The Launch Wouldn't Run, And The Life-Boat Leaked Like A Sieve; But Then They Weren't The Snark; They Were Mere Appurtenances.

The things that counted were the water-tight bulkheads, the solid planking without butts, the bath- room devices - they were the Snark.

And then there was, greatest of all, that noble, wind-punching bow.

We sailed out through the Golden Gate and set our course south toward that part of the Pacific where we could hope to pick up with the north-east trades. And right away things began to happen. I had calculated that youth was the stuff for a voyage like that of the Snark, and I had taken three youths - the engineer, the cook, and the cabin-boy. My calculation was only two-thirds OFF; I had forgotten to calculate on seasick youth, and I had two of them, the cook and the cabin boy. They immediately took to their bunks, and that was the end of their usefulness for a week to come. It will be understood, from the foregoing, that we did not have the hot meals we might have had, nor were things kept clean and orderly down below. But it did not matter very much anyway, for we quickly discovered that our box of oranges had at some time been frozen; that our box of apples was mushy and spoiling; that the crate of cabbages, spoiled before it was ever delivered to us, had to go overboard instanter; that kerosene had been spilled on the carrots, and that the turnips were woody and the beets rotten, while the kindling was dead wood that wouldn't burn, and the coal, delivered in rotten potato-sacks, had spilled all over the deck and was washing through the scuppers.

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