Australian Search Party - A Record Of Discovery, Geography, And Adventure By Charles Henry Eden

 -   The utmost that
he would acknowledge was that the antidote was common, and that Australians
trampled it under-foot every - Page 64
Australian Search Party - A Record Of Discovery, Geography, And Adventure By Charles Henry Eden - Page 64 of 115 - First - Home

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The Utmost That He Would Acknowledge Was That The Antidote Was Common, And That Australians Trampled It Under-Foot Every Day Of Their Lives.

The way he became acquainted with the remedy was by accidentally witnessing a fight between a snake and an iguana.

The latter was frequently bitten, and in every case ran to a certain plant and ate it before renewing the contest, in which it was ultimately victorious, leaving the serpent dead upon the plain. Underwood demanded his pardon and liberty as the price of his precious knowledge, and I believe a mixed commission of military men and civilians deliberated on the case at Sydney, and decided not to grant the convict's request. In due time he died, and with him perished his invaluable secret. It is to be presumed the commission knew what they were about, but undoubtedly their adverse decision has been a real misfortune to all those whose lives are passed in a country inhabited by venomous reptiles. We are much indebted to Doctor Fagren for the exhaustive researches he has made into the action of snake-poison and its remedy - the result of which the reader can find in his elaborately got-up volume, entitled "The Thanatophidia of India" - and on looking over the concise directions given by him for immediate use in the event of such an accident, I do not see that we could possibly have done more than we did, considering the limited material we had at our command. Perhaps, had it been a white man, with a strong constitution, he would have pulled through; for the settled conviction that he was doomed, doubtless accelerated the death of the black boy; but the action of the poison is so rapid, that most cases terminate fatally.

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